Temporary Office Closure

The office will be closed until the state of New York deems it safe to re-open. This was a difficult decision because I know how helpful acupuncture can be for relieving pain and stress, while also boosting the immune system. Unfortunately, the risks outweigh the benefits and we all need to minimize our exposure to other people to prevent the spread of the virus.

Part of me wanted to avoid closing the office because it's a financial strain for me. My monthly expenses continue even when I am not working. But making sure other people are safe is paramount during a health crisis like this, so the decision in this case is clear. [Update - New York State mandated all non-essential businesses close]

For anyone that had appointments scheduled in the next two weeks, I will reach out to reschedule your appointments once I have more clarity on the situation over the next week or two.

I recently wrote a blog post that I hope will provide some helpful things you can do during this stressful time:

5 Things You Can Do Amid The Coronavirus Panic

Here is another Forbes article to help understand what happens when we are faced with extreme uncertainty.

My hope is that we can all support each other through this escalating health crisis and come out stronger once this passes.


Theodore Levarda, M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)®
Morningside Acupuncture
211 West 106th St, Suite 1B
New York, NY 10025

(917) 830-4440

Theodore Levarda

Teddy is a licensed acupuncturist and certified myofascial trigger point therapist at Morningside Acupuncture in New York City.

Teddy specializes in combining traditional acupuncture with dry needling to treat pain, sports injuries, and stress.


Qi Gong for Stress and Anxiety


5 Things You Can Do Amid The Coronavirus Panic