Dry Needling Symptoms by Muscle
A Comprehensive Guide to Myofascial Trigger Point Symptoms by Muscle
Dry needling is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting fine, sterile needles into specific points within muscles, known as trigger points, to relieve pain and improve function. Unlike traditional acupuncture, which is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine concepts, dry needling focuses on Western anatomical and physiological principles to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.
Trigger points are hyperirritable spots in muscle tissue that can cause pain locally and refer pain to other areas of the body. By targeting these points, dry needling helps release muscle tension, improve blood flow, and reduce pain signals, leading to enhanced muscle function and overall well-being.
Below is a comprehensive list of muscle trigger points and their associated symptoms. Dry needling can provide relief for these symptoms by deactivating the myofascial trigger points that are causing them.
Dry Needling Muscle List
In Alphabetical Order:
Abdominal Obliques Trigger Points
Abductor Digiti Minimi (Foot) Trigger Points
Abductor Digiti Minimi (Hand) Trigger Points
Abductor Hallucis Trigger Points
Adductor Longus and Brevis Trigger Points
Adductor Pollicis Trigger Points
Anconeus Trigger Points
Biceps Brachii Trigger Points
Brachialis Trigger Points
Buccinator Trigger Points
Coracobrachialis Trigger Points
Digastric Trigger Points
Diaphragm Trigger Points
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Trigger Points
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Trigger Points
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Trigger Points
Extensor Digitorum Trigger Points
Extensor Digitorum Brevis Trigger Points
Extensor Digitorum Longus Trigger Points
Extensor Hallucis Brevis Trigger Points
Extensor Hallucis Longus Trigger Points
Extensor Indicis Trigger Points
External Abdominal Oblique Trigger Points
First Dorsal Interosseus Trigger Points
Flexor Carpi Radialis Trigger Points
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Trigger Points
Flexor Digirotum Superficialis Trigger Points
Flexor Digitorum Longus Trigger Points
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Trigger Points
Flexor Hallucis Brevis Trigger Points
Flexor Hallucis Longus Trigger Points
Flexor Pollicis Longus Trigger Points
Frontalis Trigger Points
Gluteus Maximus Trigger Points
Gracilis Trigger Points
Iliocostalis Lumborum Trigger Points
Iliocostalis Thoracis Trigger Points
Intercostals Trigger Points
Interossei of Foot Trigger Points
Lateral Pterygoid Trigger Points
Latissimus Dorsi Trigger Points
Levator Ani Trigger Points
Longissimus Thoracis Trigger Points
Medial Pterygoid Trigger Points
Multifidi Trigger Points
Obturator Internus Trigger Points
Occipitalis Trigger Points
Opponens Pollicis Trigger Points
Orbicularis Oculi Trigger Points
Palmaris Longus Trigger Points
Pectineus Trigger Points
Pectoralis Minor Trigger Points
Pelvic Floor Trigger Points
Peroneus Brevis Trigger Points
Peroneus Longus Trigger Points
Peroneus Tertius Trigger Points
Plantaris Trigger Points
Platysma Trigger Points
Pronator Teres Trigger Points
Pyramidalis Trigger Points
Quadratus Plantae Trigger Points
Rectus Abdominus Trigger Points
Scalene Trigger Points
Semispinalis Capitis Trigger Points
Semimembranosus Trigger Points
Serratus Anterior Trigger Points
Serratus Posterior Superior Trigger Points
Sphincter Ani Trigger Points
Sternalis Trigger Points
Sternocleidomastoid Trigger Points
Subclavius Trigger Points
Supinator Trigger Points
Supraspinatus Trigger Points
Temporalis Trigger Points
Triceps Brachii Trigger Points
Vastus Intermedius Trigger Points
Zygomaticus Trigger Points
Abdominal Obliques Trigger Points
Abdominal Pain: Sharp or dull pain in the sides of the abdomen.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Diarrhea: Frequent loose or liquid bowel movements.
Front of Chest Pain: Pain that mimics heart-related issues.
Irritable Bowel: Gastrointestinal sensitivity and irregular bowel habits.
Lax, Pendulous Abdomen: Excessive abdominal laxity.
Menstrual Problems, Pelvic Pain: Irregular menstruation and pelvic discomfort.
Painful Intercourse: Discomfort during sexual activity.
Reflux Esophagitis: Inflammation of the esophagus due to acid reflux.
Urinary Frequency, Urine Retention, "Kidney" Pain: Increased need to urinate, difficulty urinating, and pain perceived in the kidney area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the abdominal obliques can alleviate abdominal discomfort, improve digestive function, and reduce related symptoms such as bloating and pelvic pain.
Abductor Digiti Minimi (Foot) Trigger Points
Metatarsal Head Pain: Pain at the ball of the foot near the base of the toes.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the abductor digiti minimi (foot) trigger points can relieve forefoot pain, enhance foot stability, and improve overall gait mechanics.
Abductor Digiti Minimi (Hand) Trigger Points
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Volar Finger Pain: Pain on the palm side of the fingers.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling can reduce hand pain, improve finger mobility, and alleviate discomfort caused by repetitive strain or muscle tension.
Abductor Hallucis Trigger Points
Heel Pain: Discomfort in the heel area.
Medial Ankle Pain: Pain on the inner side of the ankle.
Metatarsal Head Pain: Pain at the base of the toes.
Plantar Midfoot Pain: Pain in the middle of the foot's sole.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the abductor hallucis can alleviate heel and midfoot pain, improve foot alignment, and enhance overall foot function.
Adductor Longus and Brevis Trigger Points
Anterior Knee Pain: Pain at the front of the knee.
Anterior Leg Pain: Pain along the front of the lower leg.
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Anteromedial Knee Pain: Pain on the front and inner side of the knee.
Buckling Knee: Knee instability causing it to give way.
Groin Pain: Discomfort in the groin area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the adductor longus and brevis trigger points can relieve knee and thigh pain, improve leg stability, and reduce groin discomfort by addressing muscle tightness and trigger points.
Adductor Magnus Trigger Points
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Medial Thigh Pain: Pain on the inner side of the thigh.
Menstrual Problems, Pelvic Pain: Irregular menstruation and pelvic discomfort.
Painful Intercourse: Discomfort during sexual activity.
Pelvic Pain: General discomfort in the pelvic region.
Stress Incontinence or Anal/Genital/Perineal Pain: Difficulty controlling urination or discomfort in the anal/genital areas.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the adductor magnus trigger points can alleviate thigh and pelvic pain, improve muscle function, and reduce symptoms related to stress incontinence and painful intercourse.
Adductor Pollicis Trigger Points
Handwriting Difficulties: Struggles with writing due to muscle tension.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Thumb Pain and Tingling Numbness (Dysesthesia): Discomfort and abnormal sensations in the thumb.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the adductor pollicis can enhance hand dexterity, reduce thumb pain, and alleviate tingling sensations.
Anconeus Trigger Points
Lateral Epicondylar Pain: Pain on the outer part of the elbow.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the anconeus trigger points can relieve lateral elbow pain, improve arm and shoulder function, and reduce associated back discomfort.
Biceps Brachii Trigger Points
Antecubital Pain: Pain around the elbow pit.
Front of Arm Pain: Discomfort along the front of the arm.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Pain in the front part of the shoulder.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper back near the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the biceps brachii can alleviate elbow and shoulder pain, enhance arm mobility, and reduce upper back tension.
Biceps Femoris Trigger Points
Posterior Knee Pain: Pain at the back of the knee.
Posterior Thigh Pain: Pain at the back of the thigh.
Sciatica: Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve down the leg.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the biceps femoris trigger points can relieve knee and thigh pain, reduce sciatica symptoms, and improve hamstring flexibility by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Brachialis Trigger Points
Antecubital Pain: Pain around the elbow pit.
Front of Arm Pain: Discomfort along the front of the arm.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Thumb Pain and Tingling Numbness (Dysesthesia): Discomfort and abnormal sensations in the thumb.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the brachialis trigger points can relieve elbow and arm pain, improve thumb function, and reduce tingling sensations.
Brachioradialis Trigger Points
Elbow Pain: Discomfort around the elbow joint.
Lateral Epicondylar Pain: Pain on the outer part of the elbow.
Painful Weak Grip: Difficulty gripping due to weakness or pain.
Radial Forearm Pain: Pain along the radial side of the forearm.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the brachioradialis trigger points can alleviate elbow and forearm pain, strengthen grip function, and reduce thumb discomfort.
Buccinator Trigger Points
Cheek Pain (like Sinusitis): Discomfort in the cheeks resembling sinus issues.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the buccinator trigger points can relieve cheek pain, improve facial muscle function, and reduce sinus-related discomfort.
Coracobrachialis Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the shoulder.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the coracobrachialis can alleviate shoulder and arm pain, enhancing upper body mobility.
Deltoid Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Front of Arm Pain: Pain along the front of the arm.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the deltoid trigger points can relieve shoulder and arm pain, improve muscle flexibility, and enhance overall shoulder function.
Digastric Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Difficulty Swallowing: Challenges in the swallowing process.
Sore Throat: Persistent throat discomfort.
Swollen Glands: Enlargement of lymph nodes.
Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Habitual grinding or clenching of teeth.
Throat & Front of Neck Pain: Pain in the throat and front neck region.
Traveling Nocturnal Sinus Stuffiness: Sinus congestion during nighttime travel.
Upper and Lower Molar Tooth Pain (Toothache): Discomfort in the upper and lower molar areas.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the digastric trigger points can alleviate throat and neck pain, reduce headaches, improve swallowing function, and decrease symptoms of teeth grinding.
Diaphragm Trigger Points
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Difficulty Breathing: Challenges in the respiratory process.
Muscle Spasms: Involuntary contractions in the diaphragm.
Postural Issues: Poor posture due to diaphragm tension.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the diaphragm can improve breathing efficiency, reduce abdominal discomfort, alleviate muscle spasms, and enhance overall posture by addressing muscle tension.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Trigger Points
Dorsal Forearm Pain: Pain on the back of the forearm.
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the extensor carpi radialis brevis trigger points can relieve forearm and wrist pain, improving hand and arm function.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Trigger Points
Dorsal Forearm Pain: Pain on the back of the forearm.
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Elbow Pain: Pain around the elbow joint.
Lateral Epicondylar Pain: Pain on the outer part of the elbow.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the extensor carpi radialis longus can alleviate forearm and wrist pain, improve elbow stability, and reduce lateral elbow discomfort.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Trigger Points
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the extensor carpi ulnaris trigger points can relieve wrist and hand pain, enhancing forearm flexibility and reducing discomfort.
Extensor Digitorum Trigger Points
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Lateral Epicondylar Pain: Pain on the outer part of the elbow.
Painful Weak Grip: Difficulty gripping due to weakness or pain.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the extensor digitorum trigger points can alleviate finger and wrist pain, strengthen grip function, and reduce lateral elbow pain.
Extensor Digitorum Brevis Trigger Points
Dorsal Forefoot Pain: Pain on the top of the forefoot.
Metatarsal Head Pain: Pain at the base of the toes.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the extensor digitorum brevis can relieve forefoot and metatarsal pain, improving foot stability and reducing discomfort.
Extensor Digitorum Longus Trigger Points
Anterior Ankle Pain: Pain at the front of the ankle.
Bunion: Deformity causing the big toe to angle toward the second toe.
Dorsal Forefoot Pain: Pain on the top of the forefoot.
Dorsal Lesser Toe Pain: Discomfort on the back of the smaller toes.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the extensor digitorum longus trigger points can alleviate ankle and forefoot pain, correct toe alignment, and reduce bunion discomfort.
Extensor Hallucis Brevis Trigger Points
Dorsal Forefoot Pain: Pain on the top of the forefoot.
Dorsal Great Toe Pain: Discomfort on the back of the big toe.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the extensor hallucis brevis trigger points can relieve forefoot and great toe pain, improving toe mobility and reducing dorsal forefoot discomfort.
Extensor Hallucis Longus Trigger Points
Anterior Ankle Pain: Pain at the front of the ankle.
Bunion: Deformity causing the big toe to angle toward the second toe.
Dorsal Forefoot Pain: Pain on the top of the forefoot.
Dorsal Great Toe Pain: Discomfort on the back of the big toe.
Metatarsal Head Pain: Pain at the base of the toes.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the extensor hallucis longus trigger points can alleviate ankle and forefoot pain, improve toe alignment, and reduce bunion and metatarsal discomfort.
Extensor Indicis Trigger Points
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the extensor indicis can relieve wrist and hand pain, enhancing finger extension and reducing dorsal hand discomfort.
External Abdominal Oblique Trigger Points
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower part of the abdomen.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the external abdominal oblique trigger points can alleviate lower abdominal pain, improve core muscle function, and reduce associated digestive discomfort.
First Dorsal Interosseus Trigger Points
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the first dorsal interosseus trigger points can relieve finger and wrist pain, improve hand dexterity, and reduce thumb discomfort.
Flexor Carpi Radialis Trigger Points
Volar Wrist & Palmar Pain: Discomfort on the palm side of the wrist and forearm.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the flexor carpi radialis trigger points can alleviate wrist and palmar pain, improve forearm flexibility, and enhance hand function.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Trigger Points
Volar Wrist & Palmar Pain: Discomfort on the palm side of the wrist and forearm.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the flexor carpi ulnaris can relieve wrist and palmar pain, improve forearm strength, and reduce associated discomfort.
Flexor Digirotum Superficialis Trigger Points
Volar Finger Pain: Pain on the palm side of the fingers.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the flexor digirotum superficialis trigger points can alleviate finger pain, improve finger flexibility, and reduce volar discomfort.
Flexor Digitorum Longus Trigger Points
First Steps in the Morning Feel as if Walking on Nails: Sharp pain in the feet upon waking.
Medial Ankle Pain: Pain on the inner side of the ankle.
Plantar Lesser Toe Pain: Discomfort in the smaller toes on the sole of the foot.
Plantar Midfoot Pain: Pain in the middle of the foot's sole.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the flexor digitorum longus trigger points can relieve ankle and calf pain, improve foot stability, and reduce plantar discomfort.
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Trigger Points
Volar Finger Pain: Pain on the palm side of the fingers.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the flexor digitorum profundus trigger points can alleviate finger pain, enhance finger flexibility, and reduce volar discomfort.
Flexor Hallucis Brevis Trigger Points
Bunion: Deformity causing the big toe to angle toward the second toe.
Dorsal Forefoot Pain: Pain on the top of the forefoot.
Metatarsal Head Pain: Pain at the base of the toes.
Plantar Great Toe Pain: Discomfort on the sole side of the big toe.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the flexor hallucis brevis can relieve bunion and forefoot pain, improve toe alignment, and reduce plantar discomfort.
Flexor Hallucis Longus Trigger Points
First Steps in the Morning Feel as if Walking on Nails: Sharp pain in the feet upon waking.
Plantar Great Toe Pain: Discomfort on the sole side of the big toe.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the flexor hallucis longus trigger points can alleviate great toe pain, improve toe flexibility, and reduce morning discomfort.
Flexor Pollicis Longus Trigger Points
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the flexor pollicis longus trigger points can relieve thumb and hand pain, improve thumb mobility, and reduce radial hand discomfort.
Frontalis Trigger Points
Frontal Headache: Pain in the forehead region.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the frontalis trigger points can alleviate frontal headaches, reduce migraine frequency, and improve forehead muscle function.
Gastrocnemius Trigger Points
Lateral Leg Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the leg.
Plantar Midfoot Pain: Pain in the middle of the foot's sole.
Posterior Knee Pain: Pain at the back of the knee.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Restless Leg Syndrome: Uncontrollable urge to move the legs.
Upper/Lower Leg Cramps: Sudden, involuntary muscle contractions.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the gastrocnemius can relieve calf and leg pain, reduce restless leg symptoms, and improve overall lower limb function.
Gluteus Maximus Trigger Points
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Impotence due to Nerve Entrapments: Erectile dysfunction caused by nerve compression.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Sciatica: Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve down the leg.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the gluteus maximus trigger points can alleviate buttock and hip pain, reduce sciatica symptoms, and improve pelvic stability.
Gluteus Medius Trigger Points
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the gluteus medius trigger points can relieve buttock and lower back pain, improve pelvic alignment, and enhance overall lower limb stability.
Gluteus Minimus Trigger Points
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Lateral Leg Pain: Pain on the outer side of the leg.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Posterior Thigh Pain: Pain at the back of the thigh.
Sciatica: Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve down the leg.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the gluteus minimus can alleviate buttock and thigh pain, reduce sciatica symptoms, and improve lower limb biomechanics.
Gracilis Trigger Points
Anteromedial Knee Pain: Pain on the front and inner side of the knee.
Medial Thigh Pain: Discomfort on the inner side of the thigh.
Iliocostalis Lumborum: Pain related to the iliocostalis lumborum muscle.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Sacral & Gluteal Pain: Discomfort in the sacral and gluteal regions.
Iliocostalis Thoracis: Pain related to the iliocostalis thoracis muscle.
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort at the back of the shoulder.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Iliopsoas: Pain related to the iliopsoas muscle.
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Groin Pain: Discomfort in the groin area.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the gracilis trigger points can alleviate knee and thigh pain, improve hip stability, and reduce abdominal and lower back discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Iliocostalis Lumborum Trigger Points
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Sacral & Gluteal Pain: Discomfort in the sacral and gluteal regions.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the iliocostalis lumborum can relieve lower back and abdominal pain, improve spinal flexibility, and reduce sacral and gluteal discomfort.
Iliocostalis Thoracis Trigger Points
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort at the back of the shoulder.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the iliocostalis thoracis trigger points can alleviate back and abdominal pain, improve thoracic spine mobility, and reduce bloating and lumbar discomfort.
Iliopsoas Trigger Points
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Groin Pain: Discomfort in the groin area.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the iliopsoas trigger points can relieve thigh and groin pain, improve hip flexibility, and reduce lumbar and back discomfort by addressing muscle tightness and trigger points.
Infraspinatus Trigger Points
Back of Neck Pain: Discomfort at the back of the neck.
Front of Arm Pain: Pain along the front of the arm.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the shoulder.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Painful Weak Grip: Difficulty gripping due to weakness or pain.
Problems Holding Arms Up (as when folding sheets): Difficulty in lifting the arms.
Radial Forearm Pain: Pain along the radial side of the forearm.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the infraspinatus can alleviate neck and shoulder pain, improve arm function, and reduce grip weakness and forearm discomfort.
Intercostals Trigger Points
Front of Chest Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the chest.
Side of Chest Pain: Pain along the sides of the chest.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the intercostals trigger points can relieve chest and back pain, improve respiratory function, and reduce thoracic discomfort by addressing muscle tension.
Interossei of Foot Trigger Points
Dorsal Forefoot Pain: Pain on the top of the forefoot.
Dorsal Lesser Toe Pain: Discomfort on the back of the smaller toes.
Metatarsal Head Pain: Pain at the base of the toes.
Plantar Midfoot Pain: Pain in the middle of the foot's sole.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the interossei of foot trigger points can alleviate forefoot and toe pain, improve foot stability, and reduce midfoot discomfort by releasing muscle trigger points.
Lateral Pterygoid Trigger Points
Cheek Pain (like Sinusitis): Discomfort in the cheeks resembling sinus issues.
Difficulty Swallowing: Challenges in the swallowing process.
Earaches/Tinnitus (Ringing)/Itch: Ear-related discomfort including ringing or itching.
Post Nasal Drip: Excess mucus accumulation in the throat.
Runny Nose: Persistent nasal discharge.
Sore Throat: Persistent throat discomfort.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain: Pain in the jaw joint.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ): Dysfunction of the jaw joint.
Traveling Nocturnal Sinus Stuffiness: Sinus congestion during nighttime travel.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the lateral pterygoid trigger points can relieve cheek and sinus pain, improve swallowing function, reduce ear-related symptoms, and alleviate TMJ disorders by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Latissimus Dorsi Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Pain in the front part of the shoulder.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Side of Chest Pain: Pain along the sides of the chest.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the latissimus dorsi can alleviate shoulder and arm pain, improve upper back flexibility, and reduce thoracic and chest discomfort.
Levator Ani Trigger Points
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Menstrual Problems, Pelvic Pain: Irregular menstruation and pelvic discomfort.
Pelvic Pain: General discomfort in the pelvic region.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the levator ani trigger points can relieve pelvic and iliosacral pain, improve pelvic floor function, and reduce menstrual-related discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Levator Scapulae Trigger Points
Back of Neck Pain: Discomfort at the back of the neck.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Pain in the rear part of the shoulder.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Problems Holding Arms Up (as when folding sheets): Difficulty in lifting the arms.
Stiff Neck: Reduced neck mobility and flexibility.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper part of the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the levator scapulae trigger points can alleviate neck and shoulder pain, improve upper back mobility, and reduce stiffness by releasing muscle trigger points.
Longissimus Thoracis Trigger Points
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Quadratus Lumborum: Pain related to the quadratus lumborum muscle.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Quadratus Plantae: Pain related to the quadratus plantae muscle.
Heel Pain: Discomfort in the heel area.
Rectus Abdominus: Pain related to the rectus abdominus muscle.
Abdominal Cramps: Sudden, involuntary contractions in the abdomen.
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Colic: Severe, often fluctuating abdominal pain.
Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lax, Pendulous Abdomen: Excessive abdominal laxity.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Nausea & Vomiting: Feeling sick and expelling stomach contents.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Urinary Frequency, Urine Retention, "Kidney" Pain: Increased need to urinate, difficulty urinating, and pain perceived in the kidney area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the longissimus thoracis trigger points can alleviate abdominal and lower back pain, reduce bloating and cramps, and improve overall abdominal function by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Masseter Trigger Points
Cheek Pain (like Sinusitis): Discomfort in the cheeks resembling sinus issues.
Ear Pain: Pain in the ear region.
Earaches/Tinnitus (Ringing)/Itch: Ear-related discomfort including ringing or itching.
Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Habitual grinding or clenching of teeth.
Temple and Eyebrow Pain: Discomfort in the temple and eyebrow areas.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain: Pain in the jaw joint.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ): Dysfunction of the jaw joint.
Upper and Lower Molar Tooth Pain (Toothache): Discomfort in the upper and lower molar areas.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the masseter can alleviate jaw and tooth pain, reduce ear-related symptoms, improve chewing function, and alleviate TMJ disorders by addressing muscle tension.
Medial Pterygoid Trigger Points
Cheek Pain (like Sinusitis): Discomfort in the cheeks resembling sinus issues.
Difficulty Swallowing: Challenges in the swallowing process.
Drooling in Sleep: Excessive saliva production during sleep.
Earaches/Tinnitus (Ringing)/Itch: Ear-related discomfort including ringing or itching.
Post Nasal Drip: Excess mucus accumulation in the throat.
Runny Nose: Persistent nasal discharge.
Sore Throat: Persistent throat discomfort.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain: Pain in the jaw joint.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ): Dysfunction of the jaw joint.
Throat & Front of Neck Pain: Pain in the throat and front neck region.
Traveling Nocturnal Sinus Stuffiness: Sinus congestion during nighttime travel.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the medial pterygoid trigger points can relieve cheek and sinus pain, improve swallowing function, reduce drooling, and alleviate TMJ disorders by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Multifidi Trigger Points
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Back of Neck Pain: Discomfort at the back of the neck.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Irritable Bowel: Gastrointestinal sensitivity and irregular bowel habits.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Sacral & Gluteal Pain: Discomfort in the sacral and gluteal regions.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper part of the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the multifidi can alleviate back and abdominal pain, improve spinal stability, and reduce symptoms related to irritable bowel and sacral discomfort by addressing muscle tension.
Obturator Internus Trigger Points
Menstrual Problems, Pelvic Pain: Irregular menstruation and pelvic discomfort.
Painful Intercourse: Discomfort during sexual activity.
Pelvic Pain: General discomfort in the pelvic region.
Posterior Thigh Pain: Pain at the back of the thigh.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the obturator internus trigger points can relieve pelvic and thigh pain, improve hip flexibility, and reduce discomfort during intercourse by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Occipitalis Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Frontal Headache: Pain in the forehead region.
Temple and Eyebrow Pain: Discomfort in the temple and eyebrow areas.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the occipitalis can alleviate headaches and migraines, reduce back of head pain, and improve overall head and neck comfort by addressing muscle tension.
Opponens Pollicis Trigger Points
Handwriting Difficulties: Struggles with writing due to muscle tension.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Thumb Pain and Tingling Numbness (Dysesthesia): Discomfort and abnormal sensations in the thumb.
Volar Wrist & Palmar Pain: Discomfort on the palm side of the wrist and forearm.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the opponens pollicis trigger points can improve hand dexterity, relieve thumb and hand pain, and reduce tingling sensations by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Orbicularis Oculi Trigger Points
Double/Blurry/Jumpy Print Vision: Distorted or unclear vision.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the orbicularis oculi can alleviate eye strain, improve vision clarity, and reduce headache frequency by addressing muscle tension.
Palmaris Longus Trigger Points
Volar Finger Pain: Pain on the palm side of the fingers.
Volar Forearm Pain: Discomfort on the palm side of the forearm.
Volar Wrist & Palmar Pain: Discomfort on the palm side of the wrist and forearm.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the palmaris longus trigger points can relieve finger and wrist pain, improve forearm flexibility, and reduce palmar discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Pectineus Trigger Points
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Medial Thigh Pain: Pain on the inner side of the thigh.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the pectineus trigger points can alleviate thigh pain, improve hip flexibility, and reduce medial thigh discomfort by releasing muscle trigger points.
Pectoralis Major Trigger Points
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Front of Chest Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the chest.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Pain in the front part of the shoulder.
Hypersensitive Nipples/Breast Pain: Increased sensitivity or pain in the nipples and breasts.
Medial Epicondylar Pain: Discomfort at the inner part of the elbow.
Rapid/Fluttery/Irregular Heartbeat/Heart Attack-like Pain: Symptoms resembling heart-related issues such as irregular heartbeat or chest pain.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the pectoralis major trigger points can relieve chest and shoulder pain, reduce nipple and breast discomfort, and alleviate symptoms resembling heart-related issues by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Pectoralis Minor Trigger Points
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Front of Chest Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the chest.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Pain in the front part of the shoulder.
Hypersensitive Nipples/Breast Pain: Increased sensitivity or pain in the nipples and breasts.
Medial Epicondylar Pain: Discomfort at the inner part of the elbow.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the pectoralis minor can alleviate chest and shoulder pain, reduce breast discomfort, and improve upper limb function by addressing muscle tension.
Pelvic Floor Trigger Points
Painful Intercourse: Discomfort during sexual activity.
Stress Incontinence or Anal/Genital/Perineal Pain: Difficulty controlling urination or discomfort in the anal/genital areas.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the pelvic floor trigger points can relieve pelvic pain, improve sexual function, and reduce symptoms of stress incontinence by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Peroneus Brevis Trigger Points
Lateral Ankle Pain: Pain on the outer side of the ankle.
Lateral Leg Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the leg.
Shin Splint Type Pain: Pain along the shin, often due to overuse.
Weak Ankles: Reduced ankle strength and stability.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the peroneus brevis trigger points can alleviate ankle and leg pain, reduce shin splint discomfort, and improve ankle strength by releasing muscle trigger points.
Peroneus Longus Trigger Points
Lateral Ankle Pain: Pain on the outer side of the ankle.
Lateral Leg Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the leg.
Shin Splint Type Pain: Pain along the shin, often due to overuse.
Weak Ankles: Reduced ankle strength and stability.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the peroneus longus trigger points can relieve ankle and leg pain, reduce shin splint symptoms, and strengthen ankle stability by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Peroneus Tertius Trigger Points
Anterior Ankle Pain: Pain at the front of the ankle.
Lateral Ankle Pain: Pain on the outer side of the ankle.
Shin Splint Type Pain: Pain along the shin, often due to overuse.
Weak Ankles: Reduced ankle strength and stability.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the peroneus tertius can alleviate ankle and shin pain, improve ankle strength, and reduce weakness by addressing muscle tension.
Piriformis Trigger Points
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Impotence due to Nerve Entrapments: Erectile dysfunction caused by nerve compression.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Sciatica: Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve down the leg.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the piriformis trigger points can relieve buttock and hip pain, reduce sciatica symptoms, and improve pelvic stability by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Plantaris Trigger Points
Posterior Knee Pain: Pain at the back of the knee.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the plantaris trigger points can alleviate knee and calf pain, improve lower limb flexibility, and reduce posterior discomfort by releasing muscle trigger points.
Platysma Trigger Points
Cheek Pain (like Sinusitis): Discomfort in the cheeks resembling sinus issues.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the platysma can alleviate cheek and headache pain, improve neck flexibility, and reduce migraine frequency by addressing muscle tension.
Popliteus Trigger Points
Posterior Knee Pain: Pain at the back of the knee.
Problems Going Down Stairs: Discomfort or instability when descending stairs.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the popliteus trigger points can relieve knee pain, improve knee stability, and reduce discomfort during stair navigation by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Pronator Teres Trigger Points
Volar Finger Pain: Pain on the palm side of the fingers.
Volar Forearm Pain: Discomfort on the palm side of the forearm.
Volar Wrist & Palmar Pain: Discomfort on the palm side of the wrist and forearm.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the pronator teres trigger points can alleviate finger and wrist pain, improve forearm flexibility, and reduce palmar discomfort by releasing muscle trigger points.
Pyramidalis Trigger Points
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Quadratus Lumborum: Pain related to the quadratus lumborum muscle.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Quadratus Plantae: Pain related to the quadratus plantae muscle.
Heel Pain: Discomfort in the heel area.
Rectus Abdominus: Pain related to the rectus abdominus muscle.
Abdominal Cramps: Sudden, involuntary contractions in the abdomen.
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Colic: Severe, often fluctuating abdominal pain.
Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lax, Pendulous Abdomen: Excessive abdominal laxity.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Nausea & Vomiting: Feeling sick and expelling stomach contents.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Urinary Frequency, Urine Retention, "Kidney" Pain: Increased need to urinate, difficulty urinating, and pain perceived in the kidney area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the pyramidalis trigger points can alleviate abdominal and lower back pain, reduce bloating and cramps, and improve overall abdominal function by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Quadratus Lumborum Trigger Points
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Quadratus Plantae: Pain related to the quadratus plantae muscle.
Heel Pain: Discomfort in the heel area.
Rectus Abdominus: Pain related to the rectus abdominus muscle.
Abdominal Cramps: Sudden, involuntary contractions in the abdomen.
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Colic: Severe, often fluctuating abdominal pain.
Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation.
Iliosacral Pain: Pain around the sacroiliac joint.
Lax, Pendulous Abdomen: Excessive abdominal laxity.
Low Back Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Lower Abdominal Pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Lumbar Pain: Lower back discomfort.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Nausea & Vomiting: Feeling sick and expelling stomach contents.
Thoracic Back Pain: General discomfort in the thoracic spine.
Urinary Frequency, Urine Retention, "Kidney" Pain: Increased need to urinate, difficulty urinating, and pain perceived in the kidney area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the quadratus lumborum trigger points can relieve lower back and abdominal pain, reduce bloating and cramps, and improve overall lumbar function by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Quadratus Plantae Trigger Points
Heel Pain: Discomfort in the heel area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the quadratus plantae trigger points can alleviate heel pain, improve foot stability, and enhance overall foot function by releasing muscle trigger points.
Rectus Abdominus Trigger Points
Abdominal Cramps: Sudden, involuntary contractions in the abdomen.
Abdominal Pain: General discomfort in the abdomen.
Appendicitis-like Pains: Abdominal discomfort resembling appendicitis.
Bloating/Nausea/Abdominal Cramps: Discomfort and digestive disturbances.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the rectus abdominus can alleviate abdominal cramps and pain, improve core muscle function, and reduce bloating by addressing muscle tension.
Rectus Femoris Trigger Points
Anterior Knee Pain: Pain at the front of the knee.
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Anteromedial Knee Pain: Pain on the front and inner side of the knee.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Problems Climbing Stairs: Difficulty or discomfort when ascending stairs.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the rectus femoris trigger points can relieve knee and thigh pain, improve hip flexibility, and enhance climbing efficiency by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Rhomboid Trigger Points
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper part of the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the rhomboid can alleviate mid and upper thoracic back pain, improve shoulder posture, and reduce upper back discomfort by addressing muscle tension.
Sartorius Trigger Points
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Anteromedial Knee Pain: Pain on the front and inner side of the knee.
Medial Thigh Pain: Discomfort on the inner side of the thigh.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the sartorius trigger points can relieve thigh and knee pain, improve hip flexibility, and reduce medial thigh discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Scalene Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Dorsal Forearm Pain: Pain on the back of the forearm.
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Front of Arm Pain: Pain along the front of the arm.
Front of Chest Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the chest.
Painful Weak Grip: Difficulty gripping due to weakness or pain.
Radial Forearm Pain: Pain along the radial side of the forearm.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper part of the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the scalene trigger points can relieve arm and hand pain, improve forearm flexibility, and reduce upper thoracic back discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Semispinalis Capitis Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Frontal Headache: Pain in the forehead region.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Temporal Headache (Temples): Pain in the temple regions.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the semispinalis capitis trigger points can alleviate headaches and migraines, reduce back of head pain, and improve neck flexibility by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Semitendinosus Trigger Points
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Posterior Knee Pain: Pain at the back of the knee.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Posterior Thigh Pain: Pain at the back of the thigh.
Sciatica: Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve down the leg.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the semitendinosus trigger points can relieve knee and calf pain, reduce sciatica symptoms, and improve hamstring flexibility by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Semimembranosus Trigger Points
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Posterior Knee Pain: Pain at the back of the knee.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Posterior Thigh Pain: Pain at the back of the thigh.
Sciatica: Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve down the leg.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the semimembranosus can alleviate knee and calf pain, reduce sciatica symptoms, and improve hamstring flexibility by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Serratus Anterior Trigger Points
Medial Epicondylar Pain: Discomfort at the inner part of the elbow.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Shortness of Breath/Stitch-in-the-side: Difficulty breathing or sharp pains in the side.
Side of Chest Pain: Discomfort along the sides of the chest.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the serratus anterior trigger points can alleviate elbow and chest pain, improve respiratory function, and reduce mid-back discomfort by releasing muscle trigger points.
Sphincter Ani Trigger Points
Anal Pain and Painful Bowel Movements: Discomfort and pain during bowel movements.
Rectal Pain: General pain in the rectal area.
Constipation: Difficulty in passing stools.
Hemorrhoids: Swelling of blood vessels in the rectal area.
Pain during Sitting: Discomfort while seated.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the sphincter ani trigger points can alleviate anal and rectal pain, improve bowel movements, reduce hemorrhoid discomfort, and enhance overall anal muscle function by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Soleus Trigger Points
Buttock Pain: Discomfort in the buttock region.
Heel Pain: Discomfort in the heel area.
Plantar Midfoot Pain: Pain in the middle of the foot's sole.
Posterior Ankle Pain: Pain at the back of the ankle.
Posterior Knee Pain: Pain at the back of the knee.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Restless Leg Syndrome: Uncontrollable urge to move the legs.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the soleus can alleviate calf and heel pain, improve ankle flexibility, and reduce restless leg symptoms by addressing muscle tension.
Splenius Capitis Trigger Points
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Vertex Pain: Discomfort at the top of the head.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the splenius capitis trigger points can relieve headaches and vertex pain, improve neck flexibility, and reduce migraine frequency by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Splenius Cervicis Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Back of Neck Pain: Pain along the back of the neck.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the splenius cervicis can alleviate back of head and neck pain, improve cervical spine flexibility, and reduce overall neck discomfort by addressing muscle tension.
Sphincter Ani Trigger Points
Anal Pain and Painful Bowel Movements: Discomfort and pain during bowel movements.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the sphincter ani trigger points can alleviate anal and rectal pain, improve bowel movements, and reduce discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Sternalis Trigger Points
Front of Arm Pain: Pain along the front of the arm.
Front of Chest Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the chest.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Pain in the front part of the shoulder.
Rapid/Fluttery/Irregular Heartbeat/Heart Attack-like Pain: Symptoms resembling heart-related issues such as irregular heartbeat or chest pain.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the sternalis trigger points can relieve chest and shoulder pain, improve arm function, and reduce symptoms resembling heart-related issues by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Sternocleidomastoid Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Cheek Pain (like Sinusitis): Discomfort in the cheeks resembling sinus issues.
Dizziness When Turning Head or Changing Field of View: Feeling off-balance or disoriented.
Double/Blurry/Jumpy Print Vision: Distorted or unclear vision.
Dry Cough: Persistent coughing without mucus.
Ear Pain: Pain in the ear region.
Earaches/Tinnitus (Ringing)/Itch: Ear-related discomfort including ringing or itching.
Feeling Continued Movement in Car After Stopping: Sensation of motion even when stationary.
Feeling Tilted When Cornering in Car: Sensation of imbalance while turning.
Front of Chest Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the chest.
Frontal Headache: Pain in the forehead region.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Post Nasal Drip: Excess mucus accumulation in the throat.
Runny Nose: Persistent nasal discharge.
Sore Throat: Persistent throat discomfort.
Tearing/Reddening of Eye, Drooping of Eyelid: Eye-related symptoms including tearing and drooping.
Temple and Eyebrow Pain: Discomfort in the temple and eyebrow areas.
Temporal Headache (Temples): Pain in the temple regions.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain: Pain in the jaw joint.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ): Dysfunction of the jaw joint.
Throat & Front of Neck Pain: Pain in the throat and front neck region.
Traveling Nocturnal Sinus Stuffiness: Sinus congestion during nighttime travel.
Vertex Pain: Discomfort at the top of the head.
Visual Perception Problems: Issues with how the brain interprets visual information.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the sternocleidomastoid trigger points can relieve a wide range of symptoms including headaches, dizziness, ear pain, and TMJ disorders by releasing muscle tension and trigger points.
Subclavius Trigger Points
Dorsal Finger Pain: Pain on the back of the fingers.
Front of Arm Pain: Pain along the front of the arm.
Front of Chest Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the chest.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Pain in the front part of the shoulder.
Radial Forearm Pain: Pain along the radial side of the forearm.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the subclavius can alleviate arm and shoulder pain, improve chest flexibility, and reduce forearm and hand discomfort by addressing muscle tension.
Suboccipital Group Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Temple and Eyebrow Pain: Discomfort in the temple and eyebrow areas.
Temporal Headache (Temples): Pain in the temple regions.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the suboccipital group trigger points can relieve headaches and back of head pain, improve neck flexibility, and reduce temple discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Subscapularis Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Carpal Tunnel-like Pain in Wrist (watchband area): Pain similar to carpal tunnel syndrome around the wrist.
Dorsal Wrist & Hand Pain: Discomfort on the back of the wrist and hand.
Problems Holding Arms Up (as when folding sheets): Difficulty in lifting the arms.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the subscapularis trigger points can alleviate shoulder and arm pain, improve wrist flexibility, and reduce hand discomfort by releasing muscle trigger points.
Supinator Trigger Points
Elbow Pain: Discomfort around the elbow joint.
Lateral Epicondylar Pain: Pain on the outer part of the elbow.
Thumb & Radial Hand Pain: Pain in the thumb and the side of the hand.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the supinator trigger points can relieve elbow and forearm pain, improve wrist flexibility, and reduce thumb discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Supraspinatus Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Front of Arm Pain: Pain along the front of the arm.
Front of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the front part of the shoulder.
Lateral Epicondylar Pain: Pain on the outer part of the elbow.
Problems Holding Arms Up (as when folding sheets): Difficulty in lifting the arms.
Radial Forearm Pain: Pain along the radial side of the forearm.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper part of the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the supraspinatus can alleviate shoulder and arm pain, improve upper back flexibility, and reduce forearm discomfort by addressing muscle tension.
Temporalis Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Temple and Eyebrow Pain: Discomfort in the temple and eyebrow areas.
Temporal Headache (Temples): Pain in the temple regions.
Upper and Lower Molar Tooth Pain (Toothache): Discomfort in the upper and lower molar areas.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the temporalis trigger points can relieve headaches and migraines, improve jaw function, and reduce temple and toothache discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Tensor Fasciae Latae Trigger Points
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Numbness/Tingling on the Outer Thigh (Meralgia Paresthetica): Sensations of numbness or tingling on the outer thigh.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the tensor fasciae latae trigger points can alleviate thigh and hip pain, improve hip flexibility, and reduce numbness and tingling sensations by releasing muscle trigger points.
Teres Major Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Dorsal Forearm Pain: Discomfort on the back of the forearm.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the teres major trigger points can relieve shoulder and arm pain, improve forearm flexibility, and reduce dorsal forearm discomfort by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Teres Minor Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the teres minor can alleviate shoulder and arm pain, improve shoulder mobility, and reduce back of shoulder discomfort by addressing muscle tension.
Tibialis Anterior Trigger Points
Anterior Ankle Pain: Pain at the front of the ankle.
Anterior Leg Pain: Discomfort along the front of the lower leg.
Dorsal Forefoot Pain: Pain on the top of the forefoot.
Dorsal Great Toe Pain: Discomfort on the back of the big toe.
Shin Splint Type Pain: Pain along the shin, often due to overuse.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the tibialis anterior trigger points can relieve ankle and shin pain, improve forefoot flexibility, and reduce shin splint symptoms by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Tibialis Posterior Trigger Points
First Steps in the Morning Feel as if Walking on Nails: Sharp pain in the feet upon waking.
Heel Pain: Discomfort in the heel area.
Metatarsal Head Pain: Pain at the base of the toes.
Plantar Great Toe Pain: Discomfort on the sole side of the big toe.
Plantar Lesser Toe Pain: Discomfort in the smaller toes on the sole of the foot.
Plantar Midfoot Pain: Pain in the middle of the foot's sole.
Posterior Ankle Pain: Pain at the back of the ankle.
Posterior Leg (Calf) Pain: Discomfort in the calf area.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the tibialis posterior trigger points can alleviate heel and calf pain, improve foot stability, and reduce plantar discomfort by releasing muscle trigger points.
Trapezius Trigger Points
Back of Head Pain: Discomfort at the base of the skull.
Back of Neck Pain: Pain along the back of the neck.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Cheek Pain (like Sinusitis): Discomfort in the cheeks resembling sinus issues.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Mid-Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the middle of the thoracic spine.
Problems Holding Arms Up (as when folding sheets): Difficulty in lifting the arms.
Temple and Eyebrow Pain: Discomfort in the temple and eyebrow areas.
Temporal Headache (Temples): Pain in the temple regions.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper part of the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the trapezius can alleviate neck and shoulder pain, improve upper back flexibility, and reduce headaches and migraines by addressing muscle tension.
Triceps Brachii Trigger Points
Back of Arm Pain: Pain along the back of the arm.
Back of Shoulder Pain: Discomfort in the rear part of the shoulder.
Dorsal Forearm Pain: Discomfort on the back of the forearm.
Front of Arm Pain: Pain along the front of the arm.
Lateral Epicondylar Pain: Pain on the outer part of the elbow.
Medial Epicondylar Pain: Discomfort at the inner part of the elbow.
Olecranon Pain: Pain at the tip of the elbow.
Upper Thoracic Back Pain: Pain in the upper part of the thoracic spine.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the triceps brachii trigger points can relieve arm and shoulder pain, improve forearm flexibility, and reduce elbow pain by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Vastus Intermedius Trigger Points
Anterior Thigh Pain: Pain in the front of the thigh.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Problems Climbing Stairs: Difficulty or discomfort when ascending stairs.
Dry Needling Benefits: Targeting the vastus intermedius trigger points can alleviate thigh pain, improve hip flexibility, and enhance climbing efficiency by releasing muscle trigger points.
Vastus Lateralis Trigger Points
Lateral Knee Pain: Pain on the outer side of the knee.
Lateral Leg Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the leg.
Lateral Thigh & Hip Pain: Discomfort on the outer side of the thigh and hip.
Numbness/Tingling on the Outer Thigh (Meralgia Paresthetica): Sensations of numbness or tingling on the outer thigh.
Problems Climbing Stairs: Difficulty or discomfort when ascending stairs.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the vastus lateralis can alleviate knee and leg pain, improve hip flexibility, and reduce numbness and tingling sensations by addressing muscle tension.
Vastus Medialis Trigger Points
Anterior Knee Pain: Pain at the front of the knee.
Anteromedial Knee Pain: Pain on the front and inner side of the knee.
Buckling Knee: Knee instability causing it to give way.
Medial Thigh Pain: Discomfort on the inner side of the thigh.
Problems Climbing Stairs: Difficulty or discomfort when ascending stairs.
Dry Needling Benefits: Dry needling the vastus medialis trigger points can relieve knee and thigh pain, improve knee stability, and enhance climbing efficiency by addressing muscle tension and trigger points.
Zygomaticus Trigger Points
Frontal Headache: Pain in the forehead region.
Headaches or Migraines: Persistent or recurring head pain.
Dry Needling Benefits: Releasing trigger points in the zygomaticus can alleviate frontal headaches and migraines, improve facial muscle function, and reduce headache frequency by addressing muscle tension.
Dry needling is a powerful tool for addressing a wide range of muscular symptoms by targeting specific muscles and their trigger points. By understanding the relationships between muscles and the symptoms they produce, you can work with your dry needling practitioner to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're experiencing localized pain, referred discomfort, or complex symptoms affecting multiple body regions, dry needling offers a targeted approach to relieve tension, improve muscle function, and enhance overall quality of life.
If you're struggling with any of the symptoms outlined above, consider consulting with a certified dry needling practitioner to explore how this therapy can benefit you. Early intervention and targeted treatment can lead to significant improvements in pain management and muscle health, setting the foundation for a more comfortable and active lifestyle.
Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment
Ready to experience the benefits of dry needling? Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward relieving your muscle pain and improving your overall well-being.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with friends and family who may be suffering from similar muscle-related pain.
Travell, J. G., Simons, D. G. (1993). Myofascial pain and dysfunction: The trigger point manual. London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Biel, A., & Dorn, R. (2010). Trail guide to the body: A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more. Boulder, CO: Books of Dicovery.
Janda, Vladimír. “Muscle Function Testing.” (1983).
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