Our Latest Insights
Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
Electroacupuncture Frequencies
Discover how different electroacupuncture frequencies influence the release of neurotransmitters and chemicals, potentially promoting pain relief and healing.
Dry Needling for Tennis Elbow
Discover how dry needling can effectively treat tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, by targeting muscle trigger points to alleviate pain, enhance function, and improve grip strength.
Acupuncture for Tennis Elbow
Explore the benefits of acupuncture for tennis elbow, offering pain relief and improved healing as a stand alone treatment or part of a comprehensive treatment approach.
Acupuncture versus Medication for Pain Management
Which is the best approach for chronic pain long-term? Learn what causes pain, chronic pain statistics, the socio-economic impact & the benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture for TMJ
Learn what causes TMJ disorders and how acupuncture for TMJ can be an effective way to treat temporomandibular joint disorders naturally.