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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
Acupuncture May Improve Cognitive Function
Explore recent research that shows how acupuncture help improve symptoms of subjective cognitive decline (SCD), a precursor to move severe neurocognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s.
Acupuncture Provides Post-Orthodontic Treatment Pain Relief
Explore recent research that shows how acupuncture may reduce pain that often follows orthodontic treatment, offering holistic management and care.
Acupuncture Improves Mood and Quality of Life in Migraine Patients
A 2024 meta analysis found that acupuncture may improve pain, mood, and quality of life in people suffering from migraines.
Acupuncture Potentially Reduces Stroke Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Explore recent research that shows how acupuncture may reduce stroke risk in rheumatoid arthritis patients, offering holistic management and care.
Acupuncture for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Discover how acupuncture can alleviate rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms, enhance well-being, and reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Explore the science behind acupuncture as a complementary therapy for RA patients.
Acupuncture for Popliteus Muscle Pain
Ease popliteus muscle pain and trigger points with acupuncture & dry needling. Discover natural relief for knee discomfort and improve mobility.
Acupuncture for Neck Pain
Explore effective relief with acupuncture for neck pain. Learn more about acupuncture and how it can offer neck pain treatment that lasts.
Dry Needling for Tibialis Posterior Trigger Points
Dry needling offers a way to address trigger points in the tibialis posterior muscle. This muscle is not accessible via palpation so dry needling offers one of the only direct ways to address pain and tightness in the posterior tibialis area.
Acupuncture for Tibialis Posterior Pain
Acupuncture offers a promising solution for those suffering from pain related to the Tibialis Posterior muscle. It provides a non-invasive, holistic approach to pain management and recovery, aligning with the body's natural healing processes.
Acupuncture for Adductor Magnus Pain
As the largest adductor muscle, adductor magnus trigger points can cause inner thigh and pelvic pain. Learn more about adductor magnus pain and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.
Acupuncture for Subscapularis Pain
As one of the rotator cuff muscles, subscapularis trigger points can cause back of arm, back of shoulder, and wrist pain. Learn more about subscapularis pain and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.
Acupuncture for Biceps Femoris Muscle Pain
Discover effective treatment for biceps femoris muscle pain using acupuncture and dry needling at Morningside Acupuncture NYC. Learn about the anatomy, trigger points, and relief methods for this type of hamstring muscle pain.
Acupuncture for Teres Major Pain
Teres major trigger points can cause back of arm, back of shoulder, and dorsal forearm pain. Learn more about teres major pain and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.
Acupuncture for Deltoid Pain
Deltoid trigger points commonly cause localized shoulder pain. Learn more about the deltoid muscle, causes of pain, and how acupuncture and dry needling can help with deltoid pain.
Acupuncture for Semitendinosus Muscle Pain
Discover effective treatment for semitendinosus muscle pain using acupuncture and dry needling at Morningside Acupuncture NYC. Learn about the anatomy, trigger points, and relief methods for this type of hamstring muscle pain.
Acupuncture for Occipital Neuralgia
Occipital neuralgia is a painful condition that is characterized by headaches and sharp, shooting pains. Learn more about this condition and how acupuncture and dry needling can provide relief for symptoms of occipital neuralgia.
Acupuncture for Suboccipital Muscles
Suboccipital muscle trigger points commonly cause headaches and base of skull pain. They can be mistaken for in cases of occipital neuralgia. Learn more about the suboccipital muscles, causes of pain, and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.
Acupuncture for Vastus Medialis Pain
Vastus medialis trigger points commonly cause medial knee pain. They can also be involved in cases of patellofemoral pain or runner’s knee. Learn more about the vastus medialis muscle, causes of pain, and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.