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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
Needle Symphony: MysticMag Interview
Read Teddy's recent interview with MysticMag, where he discusses the importance of Morningside Acupuncture for those battling pain and stress-related disorders. Read on to discover how our needle symphony changes lives, one patient at a time.
Treating Running Injuries with Acupuncture: NY1 Interview
Explore acupuncture's role in running injury recovery and prevention from Teddy's NY1 interview. Ideal for marathon prep, recovery, and holistic healing.
NYC Marathon Course Tips
NYC marathon preparation and course tips from our very own acupuncturist and marathon runner, Nick Dill.
Business Talk Radio Interview
I was recently interviewed by Business Talk Radio to talk about my acupuncture practice and how I became an acupuncturist. Here’s a link to the interview and a rough transcript of the interview.
Qwell Interview
Last week I was featured on the Qwell platform as part of their provider spotlight series. I enjoyed having the chance to talk about acupuncture and share my experience being an acupuncturist.
Qwell is a wellness platform that empowers patients and healthcare professionals to better connect by providing an online scheduling and referral network.