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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
IT Band Syndrome Treatment NYC
Discover a first-line treatment for iliotibial band syndrome using an integrated approach of acupuncture and dry needling. Learn the science behind IT band pain and schedule your appointment today.
Shin Splints Treatment NYC
Discover a first-line treatment for shin splints using an integrated approach of acupuncture and dry needling. Learn the science behind lower leg pain and schedule your appointment today.
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment NYC
Discover a first-line treatment for plantar fasciitis using an integrated approach of acupuncture and dry needling. Learn the science behind heel pain and schedule your appointment today.
Runner’s Knee Treatment NYC
Discover a first-line treatment for runner’s knee using an integrated approach of acupuncture and dry needling. Learn the science behind patellofemoral pain syndrome treatment and schedule your consultation today.
What is Intramuscular Stimulation?
Learn about Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS), a therapeutic needling technique developed by Dr. Chan Gunn the evolved from the practice of acupuncture to treatment muscle pain and neuropathy.
What is Lower Cross Syndrome?
Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatments of Lower Cross Syndrome, a common postural imbalance affecting the lower back, pelvis, and hips.
Dry Needling vs Acupuncture
Discover the differences between dry needling vs acupuncture, their origins, practices, and benefits. Learn how each technique treats pain and improves health.
Electroacupuncture for Marathon Recovery
Learn how electroacupuncture can help with your post marathon recovery to reduce soreness and inflammation so you can bounce back faster and stronger.
Sports Medicine Acupuncture
Sports medicine acupuncture represents the convergence of traditional healing arts and modern athletic needs. It offers a unique solution for athletes and active individuals seeking natural, effective ways to manage pain, recover from injuries, and enhance performance.
Treating Running Injuries with Acupuncture: NY1 Interview
Explore acupuncture's role in running injury recovery and prevention from Teddy's NY1 interview. Ideal for marathon prep, recovery, and holistic healing.
NYC Marathon Course Tips
NYC marathon preparation and course tips from our very own acupuncturist and marathon runner, Nick Dill.
Acupuncture for Post Marathon Recovery
Find out what you can do after running a marathon and how acupuncture can help with marathon recovery and muscle soreness.
Acupuncture for NYC Marathon Training
It’s a good idea to have acupuncture during your marathon training cycle and for recovery afterwards. We can help you be at your best by providing acupuncture treatments for running injuries, injury prevention, and improving workout recovery.
Does Acupuncture Work?
Top athletes like Tom Brady and David Beckham are huge advocates of acupuncture as it helps them stay in peak condition. Here’s why…
Acupuncture for Soccer Players
Acupuncture should be part of every soccer player’s (and athlete’s) recovery and injury prevention routine. As a soccer player myself (that’s me up there!), I have used acupuncture and Chinese medicine for a multitude of soccer related injuries.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Sports Injuries
A recent Men’s Health article highlighted growing research that shows ice can hinder the healing process for soft tissue (muscular) injuries rather than help it. The ideal remedy during the early stages of an injury would reduce swelling while also promoting circulation.
6 Reasons Athletes Should Get Acupuncture
Acupuncture is gaining popularity among all types of amateur and professional athletes. Here are six reasons why athletes use acupuncture to optimize their performance and recovery (with supporting research).
Acupuncture for Running Injuries
As we approach the peak of New York City marathon training season, I am seeing more runners coming in for acupuncture treatments. The most common causes of running injuries are structural/muscle imbalances, muscle weakness, and overtraining.