Our Latest Insights
Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
Acupuncture for Dancers
Discover how acupuncture helps dancers prevent injuries, improve flexibility and balance, and recover faster. Learn how integrating acupuncture can enhance dance performance and well-being.
Needle Symphony: MysticMag Interview
Read Teddy's recent interview with MysticMag, where he discusses the importance of Morningside Acupuncture for those battling pain and stress-related disorders. Read on to discover how our needle symphony changes lives, one patient at a time.
Sports Nutrition for Marathon Runners
Find out how to fuel up for your long run or marathon and what you should take in before, during, and afterwards.
Acupuncture for Post Marathon Recovery
Find out what you can do after running a marathon and how acupuncture can help with marathon recovery and muscle soreness.