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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
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Dry Needling for Hip Impingement
Learn about how dry needling can be part of a comprehensive treatment plan to help with hip impingement pain.
Acupuncture for Hip Impingement
Learn about how acupuncture can be part of a comprehensive treatment plan to help with hip impingement pain.
What is Hip Impingement?
Learn about hip impingement, a common cause of hip pain. We review the causes and treatment options for managing hip impingement pain.
Acupuncture for Piriformis Trigger Points
Piriformis trigger points can refer pain in the lateral hip, buttocks, and down into the thigh. They can also cause nerve entrapment, piriformis syndrome, and sciatica pain. Read more to learn about piriformis trigger points and how acupuncture and dry needling can help relieve symptoms of piriformis syndrome, hip pain, buttock pain, sciatica, and thigh pain naturally
Acupuncture for Gluteus Minimus Trigger Points
The gluteus minimus muscle is commonly involved in cases of sciatica like pain that can run down the side or back of the leg. Learn more about this muscle, how trigger points form in it, and how acupuncture can release gluteus minimus pain and muscle tightness to relieve pain and restore range of motion in the hip and leg.
Acupuncture for Tensor Fasciae Latae Pain
The tensor fascia latae (TFL) muscle is a common area of muscle tightness that can cause pain in the front of the hip and down the side of the leg. The main action of this muscle is to flex the hip (bring the knee towards the chest).
Acupuncture for Psoas Trigger Points
The iliopsoas or psoas muscle is a commonly overlooked area of muscle tightness that can cause pain in the front of the hip and low back. The main action of this muscle is to flex the hip (bring the knee towards the chest).
Acupuncture for Gluteus Medius Pain
Discover the benefits of acupuncture and dry needling for relieving pain in the gluteus medius muscle. Learn about how releasing gluteus medius trigger points can reduce back pain and hip pain.
Work From Home Tips to Minimize Pain
It’s now been over six months since the start of the pandemic in March. Since many people did not plan on working from home for so long, they continue to work in sub-optimal work conditions that can lead to various types of back, neck, and hip pain. I have seen many new pain cases since re-opening in June that were caused by improper work-from-home setups.
Here are some easy tips and observations that can help slow or stop the occurrence of back, neck, and hip pain while working from home.
Acupuncture for Running Injuries
As we approach the peak of New York City marathon training season, I am seeing more runners coming in for acupuncture treatments. The most common causes of running injuries are structural/muscle imbalances, muscle weakness, and overtraining.
Acupuncture for Low Back Pain
Low back pain is the most common reason that people come in for an acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture helps address both the acute pain symptoms as well as the underlying issues associated with back pain.