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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
Electroacupuncture for Marathon Recovery
Learn how electroacupuncture can help with your post marathon recovery to reduce soreness and inflammation so you can bounce back faster and stronger.
Treating Running Injuries with Acupuncture: NY1 Interview
Explore acupuncture's role in running injury recovery and prevention from Teddy's NY1 interview. Ideal for marathon prep, recovery, and holistic healing.
NYC Marathon Course Tips
NYC marathon preparation and course tips from our very own acupuncturist and marathon runner, Nick Dill.
Sports Nutrition for Marathon Runners
Find out how to fuel up for your long run or marathon and what you should take in before, during, and afterwards.
Acupuncture for Post Marathon Recovery
Find out what you can do after running a marathon and how acupuncture can help with marathon recovery and muscle soreness.
Acupuncture for NYC Marathon Training
It’s a good idea to have acupuncture during your marathon training cycle and for recovery afterwards. We can help you be at your best by providing acupuncture treatments for running injuries, injury prevention, and improving workout recovery.