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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
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Acupuncture for Dancers
Discover how acupuncture helps dancers prevent injuries, improve flexibility and balance, and recover faster. Learn how integrating acupuncture can enhance dance performance and well-being.
Sports Medicine Acupuncture
Sports medicine acupuncture represents the convergence of traditional healing arts and modern athletic needs. It offers a unique solution for athletes and active individuals seeking natural, effective ways to manage pain, recover from injuries, and enhance performance.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Sports Injuries
A recent Men’s Health article highlighted growing research that shows ice can hinder the healing process for soft tissue (muscular) injuries rather than help it. The ideal remedy during the early stages of an injury would reduce swelling while also promoting circulation.
Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain can be caused by an acute injury or a chronic condition like frozen shoulder, arthritis, fibromyalgia, or rotator cuff tendinitis.
Acupuncture helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation, release tight muscles, and increase range of motion for a variety of shoulder problems.
6 Reasons Athletes Should Get Acupuncture
Acupuncture is gaining popularity among all types of amateur and professional athletes. Here are six reasons why athletes use acupuncture to optimize their performance and recovery (with supporting research).
Acupuncture for Knee Pain
Knee pain can have several causes including surrounding muscle tightness, acute injury, and chronic pain due to arthritis and joint deterioration. Acupuncture can help.
Acupuncture for Running Injuries
As we approach the peak of New York City marathon training season, I am seeing more runners coming in for acupuncture treatments. The most common causes of running injuries are structural/muscle imbalances, muscle weakness, and overtraining.
Acupuncture for Trigger Points
Learn how to release tight muscles and relieve muscle tension.