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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
Yin Tang Acupuncture Point
Learn about Yin Tang, an important acupuncture point for sleep, anxiety, and stress.
Comparing Dry Needling vs Electroacupuncture
Learn about the differences between dry needling and electroacupuncture. Two effective treatments for pain that have some similarities and differences.
Acupuncture Point Combinations
Learn about acupuncture points prescptions - whether you are an acupuncture student studying for your board exam or a licensed acupuncturist looking to review acupuncture point combinations - this is the guide for you!
How to Become an Acupuncturist
Learn about how to become an acupuncturist - including education requirements, financial costs, career options, and salary ranges for licensed acupuncturists.
Five Element Acupuncture
Explore Five Element Acupuncture: a holistic approach linking body, emotions, and nature for optimal well-being.
Find Best Dry Needling Near Me
Are you looking for the best dry needling near me? Learn more about how to find the best dry needling nyc providers.
Japanese Acupuncture
Explore Japanese Acupuncture: a holistic approach with a rich history that offers a more gentle approach compared to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) style acupuncture.
Understanding the Research: Dry Needling for Low Back Pain
Read the latest research on dry needling for acute and chronic low back pain and learn more about this effective, low cost, drug free solution to managing your pain.
Find Relief: Top-Rated Acupuncture Near Me for Holistic Healing
Looking for an acupuncturist? Read more to find out what to look for when searching for the best acupuncture near me.
Motor Point Acupuncture
Learn about motor point acupuncture - a modern technique that uses acupuncture needles and electricity to stimulate motor points in muscles to relieve pain, restore function, and improve range of motion.
What Does L Ac stand for?
Discover what "L Ac" stands for and explore the journey to becoming a licensed acupuncturist in the United States. Learn about NCCAOM certification, the difference between licensed and certified acupuncturists, and various career opportunities.
The Ultimate List of Acupuncture Styles and Techniques: Which One is Right for You?
Acupuncture is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to help relieve a variety of health conditions. However, with so many different styles and techniques available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. In this article, we've compiled the ultimate list of 20 different acupuncture styles and techniques.
The Fascinating History of Trigger Points and Their Relationship to Acupuncture
Explore the origins and evolution of trigger points and their role in acupuncture. Learn the history of trigger points in both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and their role in chronic pain and dysfunction. Acupuncture and dry needling offer safe and effective ways to treat trigger points and relieve pain.
Acupuncture and the Endocannabinoid System
Learn about how acupuncture can affect the endocannabinoid system, what cannabinoids are, and how acupuncture and cannabis both stimulate the endocannabinoid system.
The Benefits of Combining Acupuncture and Physical Therapy
Learn about the benefits of combining acupuncture and physical therapy and the best way to use them together to reduce pain and aid tissue healing.
Acupuncture versus Medication for Pain Management
Which is the best approach for chronic pain long-term? Learn what causes pain, chronic pain statistics, the socio-economic impact & the benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture for Trigger Points
Learn how to release tight muscles and relieve muscle tension.