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Learn about how acupuncture and dry needling can help with everything from back pain, to physical symptoms of stress, and sports injuries.
Visit the Blogs By Body Region page to find articles categorized by section of the body.
Exploring Research on Acupuncture for Knee Osteoarthritis
Discover how recent 2025 studies reveal the benefits of acupuncture and electroacupuncture for knee osteoarthritis, including pain relief, reduced inflammation, and improved mobility. Explore evidence-based treatment recommendations and insights into acupuncture’s biological mechanisms.
Dry Needling for Pes Anserine Pain
Learn how dry needling releases trigger points in key muscles to relieve pes anserine bursitis pain, improve knee biomechanics, and restore lasting knee health.
Acupuncture for Pes Anserine Bursitis
Explore how acupuncture can effectively alleviate pain and improve mobility for pes anserine bursitis. Learn about targeted needling techniques, research-supported benefits, and how acupuncture integrates with other treatments to support your knee health.
What is Pes Anserine Bursitis?
Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for pes anserine bursitis, a knee condition affecting the inner side of the joint. Learn how exercises, , acupuncture, dry needling, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes can help restore comfort and improve knee function.
Understanding the Latest Research on IT Band Syndrome
Discover the latest research on Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), shifting from friction to impingement models, and learn about effective treatments like acupuncture, dry needling, hip strengthening and gait retraining.
Acupuncture for Popliteus Muscle Pain
Ease popliteus muscle pain and trigger points with acupuncture & dry needling. Discover natural relief for knee discomfort and improve mobility.
Popliteus Muscle Explained
Learn about the popliteus - a small yet vital muscle in the back of the knee. It plays a crucial role in knee stability and is an overlooked source of posterior knee pain.
Acupuncture for Adductor Magnus Pain
As the largest adductor muscle, adductor magnus trigger points can cause inner thigh and pelvic pain. Learn more about adductor magnus pain and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.
Acupuncture for Biceps Femoris Muscle Pain
Discover effective treatment for biceps femoris muscle pain using acupuncture and dry needling at Morningside Acupuncture NYC. Learn about the anatomy, trigger points, and relief methods for this type of hamstring muscle pain.
Acupuncture for Semitendinosus Muscle Pain
Discover effective treatment for semitendinosus muscle pain using acupuncture and dry needling at Morningside Acupuncture NYC. Learn about the anatomy, trigger points, and relief methods for this type of hamstring muscle pain.
Acupuncture for Vastus Medialis Pain
Vastus medialis trigger points commonly cause medial knee pain. They can also be involved in cases of patellofemoral pain or runner’s knee. Learn more about the vastus medialis muscle, causes of pain, and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.
Acupuncture for Vastus Lateralis Pain
Vastus lateralis trigger points commonly cause lateral thigh and knee pain. They can also be involved in cases of a “stuck” patella. Learn more about the vastus lateralis muscle, causes of pain, and how acupuncture and dry needling can help.
Acupuncture for Patellofemoral Pain
Discover how acupuncture and dry needling can provide effective relief for patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), improving your athletic performance and recovery.
Acupuncture for IT Band Pain
Explore how acupuncture and dry needling can address IT band syndrome, offering effective pain relief and improving your sports performance and recovery.
Acupuncture for Piriformis Trigger Points
Piriformis trigger points can refer pain in the lateral hip, buttocks, and down into the thigh. They can also cause nerve entrapment, piriformis syndrome, and sciatica pain. Read more to learn about piriformis trigger points and how acupuncture and dry needling can help relieve symptoms of piriformis syndrome, hip pain, buttock pain, sciatica, and thigh pain naturally
Acupuncture for Sartorius Muscle Pain
Sartorius trigger points can cause thigh and medial knee pain. Read more to learn about sartorius trigger points and why you should consider treating them with acupuncture and dry needling. This method of treatment addresses the root cause and symptoms of sartorius issues to relieve pain and restore muscle function.
Acupuncture for Rectus Femoris Pain
The rectus femoris muscle is commonly involved in cases of anterior knee and thigh pain. Learn more about this muscle, how trigger points form in it, and how acupuncture can release rectus femoris muscle tightness to relieve pain and restore range of motion in the thigh and knee.
Acupuncture for Knee Pain
Knee pain can have several causes including surrounding muscle tightness, acute injury, and chronic pain due to arthritis and joint deterioration. Acupuncture can help.