Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Pain and Mental Health

Acupuncture has long been recognized for its therapeutic benefits, especially in managing pain and improving mental health. A recent 2024 study, by the Alberta Complementary Health Integration Project (ABCHIP), provides real-world evidence on how acupuncture can effectively address these issues in vulnerable populations. This studyhighlights the potential of acupuncture as an integrative therapy that significantly enhances patient outcomes.

Key Points

  • Study Focus: The study evaluated the impact of acupuncture on pain and mental health in youth and elderly populations.

  • Sample Size: A total of 606 patients participated, with data analyzed from 500 patients who completed at least 6 acupuncture sessions.

  • Significant Improvements: Patients showed marked improvements in pain severity, sleep quality, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and overall quality of life.

  • Optimal Results: The best outcomes were observed in patients who received at least 12 sessions, including a 75.5% reduction in pain severity.

  • Holistic Approach: The study supports the integration of acupuncture with conventional care for comprehensive health management.

A stressed person

Acupuncture relieves pain and improves mental health outcomes

Study Overview

The ABCHIP study involved 606 participants, focusing on youth (aged 24 and below) and the elderly (aged 55 and above) who experienced pain and mental health issues. Over 282 days, these participants received a total of 5,424 acupuncture treatments. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture in reducing pain and improving mental health outcomes, such as depression, anxiety, and sleep quality.

Summary of Results

The results were compelling, especially among the 500 patients who completed at least 6 sessions:

  • Pain Severity: Patients experienced a 65.8% reduction in pain severity on average, with those receiving 12 or more sessions reporting a 75.5% reduction.

  • Sleep Quality: Sleep quality improved by 45.6%, with the most significant gains seen in patients receiving more frequent treatments.

  • Depression and Anxiety: Depression levels dropped by 70%, and anxiety decreased by 36.9%, highlighting acupuncture's effectiveness in managing mental health.

  • Overall Quality of Life: Participants reported a 42.6% improvement in their overall quality of life, reflecting the broad benefits of acupuncture.

Patients who completed at least 12 acupuncture sessions had even more favorable results.

Results Explained


  • The most significant outcome was pain reduction. Patients who received at least 6 sessions reported a 65.8% decrease in pain severity, while those who completed 12 sessions experienced a 75.5% reduction. This highlights acupuncture's efficacy in managing chronic pain.


  • Acupuncture significantly improved sleep quality, with a 45.6% overall increase and a 53.1% improvement for those receiving 12 sessions. Patients also reported fewer disturbances, better sleep efficiency, and reduced reliance on sleep aids.


  • The study observed a 70% decrease in depression severity among participants, with a significant reduction in PHQ-9 scores, especially in those receiving more sessions. This underscores acupuncture's role in addressing mental health challenges alongside physical symptoms.


  • Fatigue scores dropped by 38.2% overall, showing how acupuncture alleviates exhaustion, a common symptom in patients with chronic pain and mental health issues.

Anxiety and Anger

  • Anxiety decreased by 36.9%, and anger scores dropped by 34%. These findings illustrate acupuncture’s broad-spectrum benefits, offering relief from emotional disturbances that often accompany chronic pain and stress.

Overall Quality of Life

  • The most comprehensive measure, overall quality of life, saw a 42.6% improvement in patients receiving 12 sessions. This demonstrates the profound impact of acupuncture on both physical and mental health when integrated into routine care.


The ABCHIP study underscores the potential of acupuncture as a powerful tool in integrative medicine. By combining acupuncture with conventional care, healthcare providers can address both physical and mental health issues more effectively. This holistic approach is particularly beneficial for vulnerable populations, where traditional treatments may fall short. The study's findings suggest that acupuncture not only alleviates symptoms but also enhances overall well-being, making it a valuable addition to patient care strategies.

How Acupuncture Might Have Achieved These Results

The significant improvements observed in this study can be explained, in part, by the impact of acupuncture on the nervous system. Acupuncture is believed to stimulate the release of endogenous opioids, such as endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. By inserting needles at specific points, acupuncture can modulate the brain's pain perception pathways, reducing the intensity of pain signals transmitted by the nervous system. This mechanism provides a plausible explanation for the considerable reductions in pain severity reported by patients in the study.

Acupuncture also influences the autonomic nervous system, which regulates many bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, and the stress response. In particular, acupuncture helps shift the body from a sympathetic (fight-or-flight) state to a parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) state, which promotes relaxation, better sleep, and emotional balance. This effect is key in addressing mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, and anger, as seen in the study's results. The regulation of the nervous system through acupuncture not only helps alleviate pain but also enhances the body's overall ability to cope with stress, thereby improving sleep quality and reducing fatigue.

In addition to these effects, acupuncture may promote neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. This ability to "rewire" the brain could explain why patients experienced improvements in both physical symptoms and emotional well-being. The combination of pain modulation, autonomic regulation, and neuroplasticity provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how acupuncture delivered such wide-ranging benefits in this study.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Study


  • Real-World Application: The study's use of a community-based population provided valuable insights into how acupuncture functions outside controlled clinical trials.

  • Comprehensive Measurement: Multiple mental and physical health parameters were evaluated, offering a holistic view of acupuncture's impact on well-being.


  • Self-Reported Data: The reliance on patient-reported outcomes introduces the potential for bias, although the use of validated instruments mitigates some concerns.

  • Non-Randomized Design: The lack of randomization may limit generalizability, though the focus on real-world evidence remains valuable for healthcare integration.

Benefits of Individualized Care

One of the key findings from the study is the importance of individualized treatment plans. Each patient's acupuncture sessions were tailored to their unique combination of symptoms, whether related to pain, sleep, or mental health. This personalized approach ensured that the treatments addressed the most pressing concerns, resulting in more effective outcomes.

Individualized care in acupuncture goes beyond addressing isolated symptoms—it looks at the whole person, considering their physical and emotional needs. This comprehensive approach helps patients achieve better long-term results, as the treatment is adaptable to their evolving health conditions.

Implications for Future Care

The ABCHIP study suggests that integrating acupuncture into conventional care could be a game-changer for managing chronic pain and mental health issues. Healthcare providers might consider incorporating acupuncture into standard treatment protocols, especially for vulnerable populations who may not fully benefit from traditional medical approaches alone.

Moving forward, further research should explore how acupuncture can be customized and scaled to meet the needs of diverse patient populations, particularly in integrated care models that combine complementary therapies with conventional medicine.


The findings from the Alberta Complementary Health Integration Project provide strong evidence supporting the use of acupuncture as an effective treatment for pain and mental health concerns. By integrating acupuncture into standard healthcare practices, patients can experience significant improvements in their quality of life, particularly in terms of pain management and mental health. This study serves as a foundation for further research and highlights the need for more widespread adoption of acupuncture in clinical settings.

Over to you

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  • Lu, M., Sharmin, S., Tao, Y., Xia, X., Yang, G., Cong, Y., ... & Xu, B. (2024). Effectiveness of acupuncture in treating patients with pain and mental health concerns: the results of the Alberta Complementary Health Integration Project. Frontiers in Neurology, 15, 1366685. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2024.1366685

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Theodore Levarda

Teddy is a licensed acupuncturist and certified myofascial trigger point therapist at Morningside Acupuncture in New York City.

Teddy specializes in combining traditional acupuncture with dry needling to treat pain, sports injuries, and stress.


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